Sunday, February 2, 2014

Meet Team Member Sarah Annette Pollard

I have lived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, most of my life.  I have a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education and a Master’s of Education in Elementary School Counseling.  I married Al Pollard who grew up in Ohio and had chosen a career in the United States Air Force; he died in 2009.  I have three adult children and three superior grandchildren.
                While we were traveling with the USAF, I chose to be a stay at home mom, and just substitute in the local schools.  When we settled back here, I taught for several years in a private Christian School.  Then I began my career as an Elementary School Guidance Counselor, a position that I considered more of a ministry than a job.  I retired in 2002.
            My faith and my church have always played a major role in my life.  I am a member of the church that I grew up in.  At that time, it was a “family” church and we all knew each other.  Now it’s 500 percent larger and most of the members are from somewhere else.  In my local church, I have a variety of responsibilities and participate in community ministries that we sponsor.  On the district level, I’m active in the United Methodist Women and Lay Servant Ministry.  I became interested in mission work when a pastor was assigned to our church and started leading mission trips; both Al and I went together on these trips. Curiosity got me involved, but love for and admiration of the people that we served captured my heart.   They have expanded my concept of mission and contributed to my personal spiritual growth in ways that I could never have imagined.

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